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Students! Find out about TheTimes Exclusive STUDENT offer!

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The Times Exclusive STUDENT Offer!

Wow, there’s a tremendous exclusive offer on at The Times for UK students at the moment!   UK students can enjoy access to The Times for £9.99 a year for three years

So what’s included in Student Subscriptions?

There’s a number of benefits for students

  • Access to the latest news and archives to support students’ studies
  • You can tackle The Times cryptic crossword, Codeword, Sodoku, Polygon and many more
  • Exclusive subscriber offers with Times+
  • Free access to Perlego (you can enjoy 6 months’ free access to Perlego’s online library of books, academic texts and tools)

This is a great chance to immerse yourself in The Times and the Sunday Times and delve into lots of news, comment, tips and advice.

The paper covers a huge range of topics from sport to property, travel to luxury, snippets of news to in-depth articles, and there is a wealth of news and features to discover online. 

And you’ll be able to keep track of what’s happening with TheTimes’ Clean it Up campaign, too, to clean up our rivers and waterways, so vital for all our health and wellbeing.  

So what’s TheTimes’ student offer?

Well, you can subscribe to the digital newspaper for £9.99 a year for three years and access the newspaper! 

Subscribe to The Times today.